To bring your car to a garage in Rwanda, Carisoko gives you a few tips that will be very useful to you. Know the benefits provided by the garage and the reasons why you should trust him. In general, a garage displays to its clients the price and the nature of the services provided. However, you can choose to determine the nature of the benefits yourself and thus pay less.

Repair Your Vehicle

The prices vary considerably in Rwanda, depending on whether it concerns a small garage, a car dealer and on the other hand depend on the location of the latter. Thus, prices in Kigali can be very different from those in the provinces. It is thus essential to compare the prices beforehand and once found, ask the garage to write you an estimate.

Troubleshooting your vehicle

On the highway, you have no choice but to use the emergency call terminals. However, on a road you can call your support company if your auto insurance policy provides one. If so, the company in question sends you a convenience store that will drive your car to the nearest garage.

The obligations of a garage

A garage has some obligation to the client such as:

  • Inform the client: show prices, make a quotation and write an invoice.
  • Obligation of result: the mechanic must not just try to repair your car; he must get the best result. If you were the victim of an accident caused by a faulty repair, the mechanic would be automatically responsible.
  • A reasonable period for repairs: the delays must not be too long, but you must take into account the time required to deliver spare parts.

Sometimes the mechanic can make additional repairs that you have not asked for. Be sure to get a quote before any repairs otherwise you will pay for it.


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